Poisoning workers

The correct answer is to stop poisoning humans. It's not optional.

When faced with a mess, the correct answer is to prevent the mess from occurring in the future if possible.

If it is possible to prevent the mess from becoming persistent, always prevent the mess.

If a mess is persistent, hiring humans to clean the mess is the correct answer, HOWEVER, allowing a mess that can be easily prevented is an opportunity to create cleaning jobs. Because chaos is a jobs program.

I understand that all warehouses are dusty, it's the nature of the box,

BUT, If Amazon stops placing fertilizer on "retail warehouse" shelves, 60 feet up directly above all other consumer goods, the economic opportunity to create jobs dealing with this toxic dust will be lost, including but not limited to, the industrial manufacturing required to replace brooms, mops, shelving, damaged goods, cleaning chemicals, cleaning machinery, maintenance for said shelves and machinery, antidepressant sales from toxic dust side effects, doctor visits for disgruntled employees, call center jobs for insurance claims and such, the fuel needed to power the machines and the labor to take the leaking bags of compost ALL THE WAY UP to the top shelves in the first place.

To put it more succinctly:

Chaos is a jobs program.

Amazon is poisoning everyone

IN ORDER TO sell the cure.

Amazon is hiring you so you can afford the cure,

IN ORDER TO get you poisoning yourself

IN ORDER TO justify having so many ways to sell the cure,

Because chaos pays itself and calls it "growth".

"We are legally allowed to do this, and we are not going to change it."

"We now have two new cleaning positions."

- Amazon HR when asked "Why is Jeff soiling the food supply?" during my first breakdown after 4 months of passing notes about this.

"Sometimes sh*t is just sh*t, Amazon doesn't owe you a clean workplace."

"The books I sell on Amazon pay my mortgage."

- The Psychologist Amazon EAP sent me to, after I almost killed myself over this intentional professional dissonance.

I was trained for Hazmat Identification, I identified the Hazard, and nothing changed for 8 months.

I'm still at the edge of tears every day wondering how to convince people that farm chemicals are dangerous.

I went to work planning to hang myself, because Pride Week "cometh" before the Fall Arrest/Hazmat training, and because depression is a side effect of Copper Sulfate poisoning, It felt like every person in this world needed me to kill myself to draw attention to this.

The Psychologist claims that chemicals in my environment cannot have an effect on my mood, and that being in an non ventilated area with chemicals known to cause anxiety and depression IS NOT AN EXCUSE to have anxiety and depression, even if I am unaware of the chemical situation at that time, and that the only reason people can "push my buttons" is because I have somehow decided to have buttons to push, and nobody has emotions unless they want to, unless they CHOOSE to. My emotions are my own responsibility, no matter what the corporation puts in the air I am required to breath, according to The Psychologist, Author of a book available on Amazon.

Now that I'm not in the toxic environment, the copper has dissipated from my blood and I no longer feel despair, only RAGE at the magnitude of ignorance I am expected to believe exists in order to explain all of this. Occam's Razor says people are more likely just too stupid to see past a paycheck, but everyone I talk to about this agrees that fertilizer doesn't go on the same shelves as toys, pillows, and food, and yet, nothing changes. Nobody is allowed to change this.

"Wear a mask" while counting toys covered in toxic dust is not the answer. Preventing the toxicity is as simple as leaving the fertilizer on the pallet, on the floor, as instructed by the Hazmat warning label on the package. "Follow the instructions on the package" is not a complex situation that should require permission from the "higher ups".

"We know about the fertilizer, there's nothing we can do, so if you keep talking about it at this point, it's like beating a dead horse." from my Process Assistant. I was seriously just trying to work that day, to go back to normalcy in the workplace, but everyone kept trying to talk to me and ask what's on my mind.

Amazon seems to be an elaborate scam, or a drug delivery cartel, or a plot to depopulate, or maybe it's just a closed source, members only club to siphon off  as much as we can from the corporation before he runs away to space, and the only way to be a part of the club is to lie on your resume to get a meaningless desk job for more money, while assisting in the poisoning of all customers and employees, hoping that you are socializing often enough to keep up the vanity.

I just want to earn a living without hurting myself or others.

It does not take 6 months to move a bag of dirt, I REQUESTED the opportunity to handle all of them myself, and was denied.

I don't want to feel threatened on the side of the road by Amazon employees pretending to have a gun wrapped up in a shirt trying to insinuate that if I don't shut up go back to work I'll lose all that I've worked for.


I don't want 8 year olds delivering my packages to condescend me about my "low rung" professional choice.

I don't want to feel trapped inside my house because anyone could be working for Jeff.

I don't want to be forced into a leadership position to try to motivate me to be more social, I just want a simple job that pays ENOUGH without needing to prove how COOL I am.

I don't want to clap and pretend I'm happy just to be allowed to earn a living.

I was happy. I had made it, Amazon seemed to care about me, It was the perfect job, until I addressed the poisonous elephant in the room, then I was used for other people to make money "solving my problem". It's not a problem of poison or toxicity, no, THE PROBLEM IS HOW I FEEL ABOUT POISONING PEOPLE.

I guess the moral of the story is that we are not allowed to work unless we destroy someone else. We are not allowed to stay in a position we like or just be happy in a simple job. It's not a question of getting out of the way, there is NO WAY OUT of doing things this way.

QA deserves to have an income.

Maintenance deserves to have an income.

HR deserves to have an income.

Doctors deserve to have an income.

but all of this income can only happen if we are having problems.

I can't solve a problem I don't understand, but since I understand this problem, the anxiety of powerlessness has consumed me, and I don't know what to do. Saving the world will destroy the economy.

Every choice that I currently think I have leads back to this fight.

So the only solution is to become the bigger problem.

So now I'm job hunting again, and I don't lie to people for money.

I'm telling everyone at every interview. Sue me, Jeff Bezos.

Go ahead and put these words on your legal record,

I know you enjoy paying people to shuffle papers around.

The good news is I'll probably starve before I can calm down and be useful again, since that's the American way. Amazon has nothing to worry about. They DECIDED that I quit, so no workers comp, no unemployment, and no way to get help unless I buy it or commit a violent act for attention. Amazon broke my heart worse than any human can. That's progress, I suppose.