Don't plan on sticking around

There are no opportunities at Amazon for a long term career unless you're buddy-buddy with managers. Hard work by itself gets you nowhere. You can work hard for 2 years and still be stuck in the same position since political rules the day. 

For every one good manager, there are about 6-8 horrible ones. The lower horrible managers get promoted fast and just become more horrible with more power. They only promote whoever is kissing their ass. Hard work does not payoff. Smug and arrogant is who those managers are. They treat all the lower level employees like garbage, even though we;re the ones that make them look good with our work.

You have to kiss the biggest ass and get to know them just to maybe move up. Hard work gets you nowhere. All they care is about faking good numbers. They don't care about accuracy. They don't care about efficiency. They'll bleed you dry. 

And if you think to go to HR for all these horrible things, think again. They don't do anything because they will always favor management over anyone else. So even if you're in the right, don't count on anyone in HR for anything. Not even 300 complaints about a manager will get serious attention. 

Once you start working here, all you will think about is the day when you finally quit. It's one of those jobs that will make you daydream about when you're finally outta here. 

Trust me. Don't work here. Or if you do, don't plan on sticking around.