Fired for -1 hour UPT

I worked for Amazon at the warehouse for a year 1/2, I was known by everyone there because it was only myself and maybe 5 others that have been there a year or more, no one lasts long everyone knew me and I’m very friendly and outgoing so I also made a lot of close coworker relationships. I’ve always been known as one of the hard working few there and would do anything assigned to me with no complaints. Recently, I’ve had to start using my UPT unpaid time off, which before I never used and got up to like 60i hours but recently I had a lot of trouble with family issues and my 21 month old daughter so I wasn’t able to always arrive on time. For the very 1st time EVER, EVER..I went negative with my UPT and was “fired”/“laid off” the very next day..let me say too, I WAS NEGATIVE ONE HOUR with my UPT!!! Just one hour!!!! I’ve been homeless living in my car already, which a few managers knew about and my mom would keep my daughter but no one cares. What’s new...