Lord of the Flies

Amazon recruits top tech talent from competitors like Google and Microsoft, but you aren't worth anything to that company once you put on that backpack at orientation. According to their hiring bar, every new employee is better than you and every future employee will do a better job. And this is definitely how you’re treated once you get in the door. “You are replaceable”. “There’s a line out of the door with applicants waiting to replace you”. This is the only constant and consistent message. 

It's no wonder so many good people go bad once they join Amazon. They need to "kill" their teammates just to survive, so Amazon is totally a Lord of the Flies situation. I guess that makes most of the 80% who leave in less than 2 years the Piggies of the group and Jeff Bezos is Jack encouraging everyone to hunt each other. This FACE group is clearly Simon who is trying to tell the truth of Amazon’s true nature, but we’ll have to see if Amazon’s hunters in Public Relations and Legal manage to kill them before they can reveal the truth to the whole world. They already got Google to shut this site down once. Who knows what else they have up their sleeves?