Fake work environment

This whole work environment was fake. The managers are nice to your face but plan attacks behind your back. The first week I started I already had a bad feeling. After only one week in of training, I got "anonymous feedback" reporting that I don't pick things up as fast as others had. Wow, that's very welcoming and encouraging for a start to a new job! *frustrated*

I continued to work for a couple months and reports on me (for incredibly stupid reasons) kept coming up. Next a report came in that I "looked sad." I work behind the scenes, so I don't understand why that would be an issue. I completed all my work; I just have a pouty look to my face. Then later another report came, which I got in huge trouble for, that my "purse was under my desk." Apparently that is a trip hazard and was a huge deal. But how could someone trip if no one walks under the desk?

Next thing you know, they fire me. Yes, I was FIRED. I had never been fired before. Their reason was that my productivity was too low. But what I don't understand was that I had finished my section so many times, that I even went over to the other workers and helped them with their sections. So that is just BS! I know that I was doing my job well. 

What is even worst is that I got NO WARNING. It was just all the sudden out of the blue I was fired and not coming to work the next day. No one came up to me and said "Hey, can we talk to you? We would love to see if you can perhaps improve and speed up your performance." NO ONE CAME TO TALK TO ME! How could they do this? Don't they see that I am a human being? They treat us like robots as if we are not human, and we are replaceable. 

I am SO SICK of this company culture! They screw you over. This should not even be legal! 

When the day comes when I have the power to do so, I will expose Amazon and their evil culture. I will warn the millions of people who will listen to me about Amazon.