ONT6 Organize Amazon

Dear Friends,

14 months ago (which ironically is the same number as the average length of employment of an Amazon worker) we started a movement to bring an end to the unethical tactics and worker oppression at Ontario Six in Moreno Valley, California . I knew the position I was putting myself into when I accepted the responsibility for this engagement. This was a risk that I worth taking. Today, I accepted the consequences of my actions for my role in the movement. The official reason for my termination was for quality. Anybody who works in ICQA can tell you that you cannot win when the deck is intentionally stacked against you. I am not the first and I will not be the last. Ironically, I was nearing my 2 years with the company. What a coincidence, right? The stocks never mattered to me though. The only thing I cared about was you. I could not just sit by and watch Amazon do this to you, repeatedly. Doing nothing made me feel like I was part of the problem. It felt like I was just one of those people "wired in" into the Matrix with no power to do anything. We tried every avenue within the company, but it took us nowhere. They had a chance to listen, but they chose to ignore us. As a result, what we started with our union organization effort has been a long and hard campaign to Organize Amazon. In the past 14 months, we have seen our difficulties. Supporters came and went. Our friends have been terminated without a care in the world for what lies in front of them. Amazon is not known for its compassion for its workers. We are literally being lead to the slaughterhouse from day one. 


The management and HR team of Amazon are not there to help you succeed. They are in fact just the enablers of an unethical corporation. They are baby sitters of the rigged game of the robots and numbers. When ICQA AM Mary Lee terminated me today, she was very sorry. She liked talking with me and we had such a good working relationship. Well I certainly appreciate her telling me this because it means a lot to a person you are about to walk out of the building.  I did let her know that I understood how difficult it was for her. She was well aware of my situation where I was the caretaker for both of my sick elderly parents.  It always did my heart good to hear that she cared so much that she always asked me about them.  That's why it must have tore her apart to let me go and not use an exemption for my final write up since I was so close to having one fall off.  I'm guessing she is having a terrible time sleeping at night knowing that she had the ability to help one of her favorite workers and yet, did absolutely nothing.  At Ont 6. AM's are well versed in the use of exemptions.  It happens all the time.  However, it is usually reserved for the favorites. I guess I was not one of her favorites after all.  Yes, I understood.  I told her that I used to be manager of a large staff when I worked in Major League Baseball and I know how difficult it can be to discipline a worker. However, he biggest difference between her and I was that I fought for my workers.  


In my opinion management at Facility Centers are nothing more than pawns that are used by upper management to process their business plan.  In the big picture they are just the field bosses at the plantation.  They are like the guards at World War II concentration camps.  The execute the orders of their superiors despite their own morals.  When you question any of them, they will tell you that they are just doing their jobs.  History does not judge people well when they claim ignorance in unethical settings.  Does it matter to these people?  If any of these individuals had the guts to stand up for workers they know the consequences.  So they continue to stand by and do nothing.  


At this point, I just wanted to take some time to thank everybody for their support. I could not have done anything or get this far without your help. From the early recruiters to the large committee that we have now, we have come a long way in this fight. I would like to thank all my coworkers, regardless of your position concerning the organization effort.  You all made this worthwhile and I have no regrets whatsoever. Like others before me have said, it feels like such a huge monkey has been lifted off my back. So do not feel bad for me. Feel happy for me. I am out of that awful place. 


As far as the battle goes, this is not the end for me. I got news for Amazon. They did not weaken a movement. They made it even stronger. I started something that I intend on finishing. The committee and I will meet again next week. There will be a BBQ a week from Saturday. We have a softball team that starts next month. The union movement is stronger than it has ever been. We are spreading to other FC's. We are seeing solidarity from other movements. National Unions are fighting over us. The Face of Amazon has a section dedicated to us. Everybody is watching what is happening at Ont-6. They may have taken me out of the ring, but I will be damned if I am out of this fight. With your help, we can do this. All we really need is support from night shift to get the numbers we need. We have gained 300 new supporters in the past 3 months alone. Old recruiters are helping us again. This movement is JUST GETTING STARTED! 


As far as I go, I'm humbled by the fact that most of you put your blind faith in me. You did not know me at all, but you decided you would rather trust someone who cares about you then a corporation that does not. I appreciate all the private messages that people sent me in support. Many of the people who reached out to me were looking for help. I did not even know who the heck these people were, ha-ha. However, it made me feel good that you felt that I could help you.  All I can say is I tried my hardest for each of you. I am saddened to not be able to see all my friends at the FC anymore, but I am happy to see what is next. I will miss my coworkers dearly. I am finally off the island. :) 


If this post goes on The Face of Amazon, I want to reach out to each and everyone you with this plea.  Fight back.  Our organizational movement is simply called "Organize Amazon."  Through our union affiliations, we are no longer satisfied with unionization of just one facility.  We are now going after all of them.  So on behalf of Organize Amazon, we would like to work with all of the other movements out there. Together we can form an alliance of solidarity that cannot be beaten.  My name is Robert Castillo (former login rcasti).  Everyone calls me Bobby.  I can be contacted via email at organizeont6@gmail.com.  Thank you.


#OrganizeAmazon #Unionize #StandUpForYourself