Biased and opportunistic management

The most common features I've observed across Amazon senior managers is a pervasive attitude which is biased and opportunistic. They do not know or care what it means to treat anyone fairly. They are constantly on the look out to take advantage of any situation to grow their career at the expense of others. This is because they see the culture as a zero sum game with some getting promoted and others getting fired every year, regardless of whether the entire business they're working on is a complete failure or a complete success. 

The Amazon work culture simply has too many loopholes enabling bad decisions from leaders who are then not held accountable because they pass the blame onto their teams who they are empowered to fire for no valid reason. Amazon management is hardly interested in any issues employees are experiencing in terms of the broken work environment because they know that they can just fire the complainers and that will cause everyone else to keep quiet or also risk getting fired.