Blank whiteboard

Amazon takes a "blank whiteboard" approach to hiring managers, so that they can mold their new hires into acolytes of their cult. Amazon does not like to promote experienced associates to management positions because of their belief they may have developed "bad habits" earlier in their career or even as an Amazon employee. Instead, the company hires new college grads, even people who have never worked a job in their lives, into management positions. They are supervising people with extensive actual experience in the job using a zero-experience manager.

When it comes to promotions, Amazon is very unfair especially to older employees (those over 40). The company uses performance metrics not as a tool to gauge productivity, but as a means to fire. A worker could have performed consistently above rate for 5 years in a row, but if a metric falls short one week, that person is written up as a failing employee. It's no way to retain good employees.

Amazon's approach to employment is that the employee is always wrong even with proof stating otherwise. Needless to say, turnover at Amazon warehouses is extremely high. McDonald's does a better job at retaining employees.

When Amazon exhausts the labor pool, it will start to bring in cheap foreign workers on visas.