No solutions from within the broken culture

I used to work for Amazon. You want the real story? Here it is: 

I really enjoyed working at Amazon for my first year and the pay made the hassle worth it. Then the level of management stupidity started to really mess everything up for my group. Our director first made our broken situation very clear when people complained about the constantly shifting management plans making it impossible to deliver on our big goals and his answer was "we hired the managers to be the smart people managing those decisions. If the complainers had the real brains, they would have been hired to make those decisions."

As the level of managerial incompetence grew over time (especially when our group went from having 2 managers to 10), we stopped complaining after we were repeatedly told to follow "leadership guidance" and also were told to go f*ck ourselves if we didn't like it.

When crunch time hit and we were told we were all going to get bad reviews and then fired if we missed our big goals (which we would have easily achieved if we were left to do the work without the constant unnecessary micromanagement), a large group of us said "enough is enough" and threatened to quit. The managers told us that they would work with us to reset the goals if their plans were impossible to achieve, but it ended up just being a dishonest ploy to keep us working hard while they hired our replacements. By the next review cycle, all of us had either quit or been fired and we later heard that several of our managers had been promoted for successfully managing "reasonable attrition".

Our situation was not isolated. When Amazon can't find any more employees because they've already burned out everyone in the Seattle tech market, then maybe they'll start looking at their managers as the real problem. Until then, I don't see any solutions evolving out of the broken culture. 

I recognize that there are good departments and bad departments at Amazon (which basically boils down to good managers and bad managers for each individual experience). However, I blame Amazon overall for essentially telling people to go screw themselves for complaining. The new york times article and all the stories here are dead on correct. Jeff Bezos' dismissal of these problems puts him in the same boat as Bernie Madoff, continuously lying to new employees to keep his increasingly broken managers in place.