Meat grinder

I worked at Amazon for over one year. Without question it felt like I was working in a meat grinder. I imagine if I was paid for the hours and type of work I did it might have been a little more tolerable. Nonetheless when it comes to pay and opportunity for advancement or wage increase you're going to be out of luck. Sadly, the richest man in the world only pays his workers $12 an hour in the state that I was employed in. With a biannual raise $0.25 every 6 months during the first two years only. What needs to be understood is that the vast majority of all positions at Amazon fit into this category. In my state to max earnings a full-time employee can make is $14/hr. And 90% of all positions working at Amazon fall into this category. However, if you do decide to stay, you have very small opportunity to apply for a supervisor position in which will grant you a $1 raise with a max earnings capped at $17.25/hr. Now keep in mind this if you are given a supervisor position and it will be no sooner than 5 years working here before you will be making this amount.

Unfortunately the worst part is the companies discrimination towards those who are experienced and not given an opportunity to advance any further without a bachelor's degree. Instead Amazon hires kids and gives them 2 year contracts with a good wage right out of college. I have so many managers that got the position without ever working a day in their lives, except for one who had an internship. Hiring 22 year old millennials with zero life skills and putting them in charge of operations? But without a degree you will never be in a management position, even if you have far more experience, and have much stronger attributes. I was not even a supervisor however I was clearly see the future is not bright for most.

I found it ironic that the richest man in the world, and for the most profitable company in the world pays so little. I have worked at other warehouse facilities like UPS which the pay is the same. The enormous difference is that anyone can become a well paid employee with a little hard work. In 6 months employees can easily be making $29/hour as a delivery driver. And many other in numerous other positions also. Plus UPS is a union job with workers protection.

I was fired from Amazon because I missed 2 days for my grandmothers funeral. I had put in for a 3-day bereavement but when I returned I was locked out and not even told that I was fired. Once they realize that they made a mistake, I was hired back and paid for the days that I was not there but wrongful firing is a common practice at Amazon.