Work related stress no one wants to talk about

A fellow employee was thinking out loud one day wondering why he had diarrhea all day. I asked him if he experienced it at home as well. He said no. I told him he's not alone as I to suffer from the same thing. A doctor told me it was irritable bowel syndrome which is often associated with stress.

(see WebMD at

And gross as it may seem, there's always evidence of this being a more wide problem in the commode at work. 

I only had this problem one other time at work and it was as an engineer in the semiconductor industry.

A survey would be truly beneficial to find out exactly how many people this affects. I believe this workplace induced disorder is a lot more widespread since people simply are too embarrassed to talk about something like their diarrhea at work. What makes things worse, the Amazon data center I work at is 250 yards long and 1 toilet at the far end. So if you have an urgent need... you're outta luck. 

I could go on about the Amazonian way of life, like their 14 leadership principles and the way in which they cull the herd, but don't have hours to type right now.