Please help providers

I have a Sole Proprietor business in the home service department for Amazon. An Amazon customer made biased statements outside their policies with threats which later turned into harassment. Amazon has not contacted me to resolve the issue. They did say I could sue the customer. With Amazons price estimates to get the customers in the door & the 20% they take out the estimate, my business can't afford to sue someone. I estimate making around $8.00 per hr with no benefits or guaranteed work. I have to provide the supplies, equipment, gas. The customers cancel anytime without being charged. The service provider is charged $50.00 for late cancelation fees. Amazon has burnt me out on a job I once loved & has turned me into nervous wreck. I have documentation to back up my incident which should be addressed when it comes to gender, race, and size public humiliation from revealing names. Please help the Home Service providers.