Harassing the sick

I worked as a picker at my location for 6 months, never had write-ups, got documented positive write-ups on the regular, and was told I was in the top 5% of my peers. I come from a background of working construction, and I have no problem working through a cold or flu, but i went into work one morning and knew something was wrong. I had a fever so bad that it was hard to keep my eyes open and i couldn't walk 10 steps without feeling dizzy. I went to HR to see what my options are to take time off to see whats wrong with me. They tell me that i can use their program called MyLeave, which basically says that if you have to take at least a week off of work, then they would work with me so that I'd keep my job. Seemed reasonable being that I knew something was wrong with me and that I couldn't work through it. So I clocked out after only being there for an hour, called the MyLeave number to setup my case, and made an appointment with my doctor. So the doctor said I was really sick and had pneumonia and handled all my paperwork for me to send to MyLeave and I stayed home to rest for 2 weeks. The first day I come back, one of the managers requests to see me at the pick desk to tell me that i have 5 hours of UPT(Unpaid Time off), which is basically time I can use whenever I feel the need to use them. Amazon's policy is that if that number ever gets in the negative, then you are on grounds for termination. The next day, my manager, which wasn't the same one that talked to me the day before, tells me I have -4 hours of UPT, and that I have a warning for creating 29 items of amnesty (which was completely false). Once I heard that, I went to HR to see what the situation was with the negative UPT hours, and to make sure that my job was secure. I was reassured that once the MyLeave got approved, that my hours would be refunded and that I would have nothing to worry about. The following week, my manager called me to the pick desk to give me a positive write up for my excellence in quality, and once again lets me know that I have negative upt hours. I explain the situation to him again and we both go on our way. 

This is where things get interesting.

So the following day, maybe 10 mins before lunch is about to start, I get a message on my scanner telling me to go to HR. I'm thinking in my head "finally the MyLeave got approved and I can stop getting harassed about this." Nope. As I walk in, I get told to take a seat, as an older woman leaves the room hysterical and in tears. The guy in HR pulls up my profile on the computer and tells me about my negative UPT hours. I explain to him the situation and that my hours would be refunded for the day I left early to handle my pneumonia. He then goes off saying that my negative hours are grounds for termination and that my final paycheck would be there in a day or 2, and that they would let me know on my scanner when it came in and that I can leave. I once again reassure him that the MyLeave program was to credit me for those hours and that I just talked to them that morning to make sure everything was in line and that there were no hiccups, He then tells me that they wont help me for working a partial day and that MyLeave wouldn't start until the day after, and that I would not get credited those hours. So I'm being told 2 different things about my hours and I request to make a call to MyLeave. 

I make the call as he is sitting across from me. I talk to the lady over the phone and explain that I'm about to get fired before my claim even got approved. She asked who I was talking to, and when I told her, she replied "I talked to him earlier about this. Let me talk to him please."

After about 3 minutes of what sounded like screaming, he apologized for the confusion, even though he just reassured to me that he was told by MyLeave that I was in the clear, but still tried to fire me anyways. The look on his face looked like he was bummed out that he couldn't fire me, like he had a quota to make and I just ruined his day. Not saying that its true, but you can see in his face that he was angry with me. I'm currently still working there and my case should get approved next week. Currently looking for other places to work.

TLDR; Got sick with pneumonia, left work early to handle sh*t, took 2 weeks off so I wouldn't die. Came back to harassment and attempted termination. Feels bad man.