Don't come back

My son used to work for Amazon and he really enjoyed his job for a long time. He always beat his targets while he worked 50 hours a week for many months without complaining, even though his week was actually closer to 60 hours due to his long commute.

Suddenly, one day he was told he had to do 60 hours a week from that week onwards. It wasn't even the holiday season or anything! He told them he did not want to do the extra day because his travel time was already too long and he needed the rest day after every already long week. They told him "don't bother coming back" just based on that one conversation!

Amazon treated him like he was a lazy person who just didn't want to work, but this couldn't be further from the truth. They should have accepted that he already did an extra 10 hours a week of overtime every single week, so they should have been more reasonable in not trying to force him to work more or else be fired. I think they were unreasonable and were just looking for an excuse to fire him, probably so that someone less deserving could get a promotion or something stupid like that.

I'm never shopping at Amazon again after they treated my hard-working son so badly. He busted his butt for them for so long and they didn't even give him a nice goodbye or anything.