Major change in the quality of our management

This is a story of my experience since joining Amazon. When I was hired, it was a mostly decent place to work. Then some bad apples came into our Marketplace management team. Bullying, micromanaging, intimidation, and sexism are now the norm. I have been here just over two years and had over 9 different direct supervisors. The senior management in our department are some of the most self righteous and incompetent group of people that I have ever worked with. 

It's crazy that my colleagues and I are treated as if we are stupid even though we had to meet the high Amazon hiring bar. It seems to irritate management when I think critically and ask questions so I can be more engaged in my work, which is supposed to be a part of our data-driven culture. What we're focusing on seems to change with the mood of our very inconsistent managers. We're constantly reminded how expendable we are. We are always treated like children. Time is wasted just spinning our wheels to make our metrics look good while not accomplishing anything for our customers. Many of my colleagues talk about trouble sleeping, panic attacks, and chronic headaches from this job. 

Some of my colleagues tried to mention this major change in the quality of our management to HR or more senior leaders but whoever has done this has been fired shortly afterwards, so most people are now even more afraid of HR then they are of our managers. The morale in this department will not be repaired until our VP and all his directs are replaced, but there doesn't seem to be any way to make that happen.