Tell a story for promotion

I am a current amazon employee at the what I like to call the modern day standard oil or carnegie steel. I wont capitalize their names bc they don't deserve that kind of respect just like amazon. My story is that I have been denied over 30 times for a promotion. I have out performed actual managers to the point where its so embarrassing the managers rely on me to get the job done. I have had to fight for my pay to get corrected to the point where I had to threaten to sue them for my pay what was owed to me. amazon likes to exploit the fact that when workers prove they are capable of doing anything, amazon will hold them down for the managers financial benefit. 

I made a comment why is our cost of living is going up and amazon fails to recognize this and hides behind vcp. While it is nice, it doesn't compensate for health insurance. Premiums continue to climb, rent goes up 300 to 500 dollars annually. But yet they push us tier 1 slaves to the point where we hurt ourselves for a stupid computer number. I do my part and this slave driving company expects me to do more... well I am done being efficient for them. 

My manager even said it doesn't matter what I do on the floor for the promotion. All the matters is what is said in the promotion interview. So i said if you want story time then maybe you should go back to kindergarten and go before nap time to hear a story because I have a family to take care of. I also turned in my badges for any other responsibility and said I do not get paid to anything extra and I refuse to do anything extra because I do not get paid for it