I am broken

Amazon where do I start... It because of Amazon that I am broken. Been here over a year everyday just gets worse. I don't know why I'm still here hoping for change. They will break & take literally everything they can from you so all that is left is a shell of broken pieces of what you used to be. Seriously I'm losing my hair & weight faster than any 25 year old should. They will get your hopes up just to crush them. To be less vague, if you're not a favorite, they won't protect you and if you aren't useful, you're not a favorite.

No one cares! Literally, go to hr, everyone will find out it only makes it worse. The VOA (Voice of Associates) board is a joke, literally the higher ups laugh at it! The committees are only there to give you the illusion that your opinion matters but trust me they do not. You can literally do everything for this company & they will destroy you mentally & physically without a second thought.

The other FC in our city is not as bad as this one but still pretty close. And the reason a union will never work is because they get rid of anyone who has been there too long and picks up on their crap.