No other solution

There is no other solution. Amazon needs to be boycotted. Otherwise, it will continue to dominate one industry after another while harming so many employees.

It's a sound proposition from an economic perspective. Most want to boycott Amazon because of the way they treat their employees but there are other good reasons too. My fellow employees are not expendable and replaceable components. We are your fellow sentient beings who deserve compassion and care. It is possible to have a fast paced work environment and still care about your human neighbors.

The company's senior leadership may think that unions are relics of the past. Perhaps they're right that 1900's style unions are gone, but a revolution is taking place in the USA and around the world. These young people don't like what they see when there is no path forward other than accepting being exploited by their employer. Amazon's time in the sun is very limited if they don't get their act together right away.