Biggest bullies

Once I find another job, I'm leaving Amazon. It's just not worth it. I've been getting written up every week since my second week working there.

Like me, you will get hurt working here but good luck telling any manager. They act like they care but they will blame you for getting hurt and then shame you in front of your peers. They say there is an open door policy but also belittle employees who use that. Public shaming is apparently a management technique taught to managers here.

My PAs are jerks. It's like they picked the biggest bullies in school for those job. If you ask a question, they treat it like it was the dumbest question anyone ever asked. They place you every new hire wherever they want but you can't transfer to where your talents are. You are stuck until you either get fired or quit.

Making is rate is based on your luck of the draw. Your scanner will tell you one time to go pick 100 things right next to each other and another time have you dig in a bin full of hundreds of small items for a small pin.

It doesn't matter anyway. The managers just write whatever they want. I checked my rate one day it was at 146% but then my manager told me it was only at 102%. This make no sense.

It's every person for themselves here. Other workers block an entire row and don't care if you are supposed to have the right of way and need to get something. They are just as afraid of losing their jobs every single day.

If you need to talk to HR about any issues, you have to wait in line on your own time. And then you get no privacy and have to explain your situation while your peers are listening to everything.

This place needs a huge change. It's hard to believe humans can be so inhumane.