chapter 418


Nat Geo Eagles

My Vischer Ferry Eagles may someday be in a National Geographic special. I shot this last year 5/2/2015 the day I met Mike Lemery filming the same nest. He was patiently filming in video hi-def with slow mo. We exchanged information on eagles and although he asked to interview me for his video, I wisely declined not wanting to look like a fool. I recognize this nest in his Urban Eagles trailer at the 0:32 minute mark. I had given him the location of the Mechanicville nest where he could get a good closeup. At the 1:00 minute mark he used it showing the adult with fish returning to the nest including another adult and a pair of chicks.

His Conowingo Bald Eagles video is a finalist in a National Geographic Wild to Inspire contest at Sun Valley  Film Festival. Winner to be announced March 3.

Mike Lemery on Vimeo his whole collection.

Nat Geo link.

Showed Mike my Double Creasted Cormorant group shot just on the other side of the hill, but he was focusing on his eagle gig.

In Zoom mode this perched carnivore has a good vantage point to look for little fishes at the dam. When the eagle flies in the Cormorants have to abandon it.
