chapter 466



monkey see...

It was Good Friday as they say, a splendid weather window for viewing some wildlife at the swamp. My friends and I enjoyed a nice walk through the woods to observe nature and a Great Blue Heron nesting area. Yep, we're birders. I asked Lucas afterwards if he remembered what the birds looked like. He said yes they looked like Giraffes. So, yes I guess he did see them.

It was mid morning and I guess it was their breakfast time because they were pretty active and successful hunting right in front of us. 

They were loving the frogs. Gulping down one after another.

It is nest building time as the pairs use teamwork to assemble their homes. Telephoto is required see the details.

Lucas liked leading us down the trail and spotting the trail markers along the way. Just had trouble slowing him down to avoid tripping and falling on the boulders.
