
5/19/2011                                                                                    link back up to main Chapter 262 Coins

just duit

   In the coat of arms for my 1784 Netherlands copper one Duit coin the recurring theme of the Heraldic Lions are holding the crowned shield. Toured the Fort Crailo Museum recently and had to buy this Dutch tile square with the XXX for the city of Amsterdam, Holland.


    The reverse side of the coin gives the date, one year after our Revolutionary War ended, and the VOC denoting Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, for the Dutch East India Company such as logo on the back of their ships. That was this Netherlands company that paid Henry Hudson to survey the Hudson River in 1609 for water depth. My company paid me to resurvey it in 1979 for water quality. The Dutch WEST India Company formed up a decade after the Hudson was discovered and proceeded to colonize seven Eastern States. The Dutch took ownership and began developing of all the property I've been living and working on for most of my adult life. Their influence is everywhere and I'd like to think my coin has some connection to the early days. Although it came from Theo Jansen in the Netherlands via ebay a week ago, it could conceivably have passed through here years ago.

These coins were made in Utrecht, Netherlands near Amsterdam for use in the Dutch colonies . Many of the coins ended up in the colonies along the eastern spice route toward Indonesia but this is also referred to as the first New York Penny. Colonists were supposed to pay for goods with currency but were prohibited from being paid in money for the goods shipped back to Europe. The Dutch came here primarily for the abundant commodities, especially beaver pelts to supply the European beaver felt hats that were in great demand.

  A unique little video produced for Fort Crailo bringing to life from actual Albany court transcripts colonial life strife from the mid 1600's.

sunken treasure news:

Recent update on my company's quest for the sunken treasure of the Black Swan project video. Note that on that the recovered treasure filled the cargo bays of a chartered 747 and that every seat had a bucket of coins belted in.

water news:

As in Holland there was water everywhere last Sunday for my Saratoga Automobile Museum Autoshow 2011 Video.


16 penningen = 8 duiten = 1 stuiver • 20 stuivers = 1 guilder (florin)

VOC duit introduced in 1724

Utrecht province

old Dutch VOC shipwrecks

various treasures from VOC shipwrecks