Terry's Journey in Retirement

Chapter 610


Dale Glenn Olmsted

11/18/1943- 1/5/2022

Dale was a success in life. His family and career are evidence. He had a great and fulfilling life. And, yes he had physical ailments toward the end that led to his downfall. But we should remember and celebrate all the good years that he had accomplished.

As my older brother I've mentioned him many times in these chapters. I used the google search box on my site and will include a few andecdotes. This photo from a still shot included in the Canadian Fishing Chapter 5. Those family camping trips are still engrained in memory, though fading. We always had a sibling rivalry and competition being 2 years apart so it was rare that he would let me operate the motor. 

Microds were featured in Chapter 296 when our love of gasoline and combustion engines and all things mechanical began.

The Sprokets to Rockets Chapter 185 and video really shows what it was like growing up at our Virgil home. I put a lot of effort into this video.

We had much fun when the cousins came down summers from Buffalo. Here hot rodding around in an old pickup truck in Chapter 374. I spoke to Joanie last week (80's +) and mentioned the pink knit hat that looked so nice on granddaughter Violet.

Uncle Nelson captured some of our early family life with his slide camera in Chapter 391

Dale spent his Army years in Thailand documented here in Chapter 255

After we moved out of our Virgil home we'd come back for summer family get togethers. On one occasion I filed the (popular on Youtube video) Worm Catching Chapter 162

At his retirement we gave him a lobster dinner Chapter 333.

For a 50th Anniversary he wanted to ride the amphibious Duck in the Boston Harbor Chapter 474.