Chapter 70



Ch 70 Wedding Slinger 

Picturesque Lake George                                 

Thru swaps/ museum/ Chairman of Board Lewis Golub, retired CEO of Price Chopper called me to sling guests back and forth at his daughters wedding at his Lake George home last night. Although I hate weddings, thought it might give niece Kristen some ideas/ inspiration as I had backed out of wedding photog gig for her. I am not cut out for that scene.


Lavish and beautiful affair at picturesque setting. Shuttle was only a Kia Sorento Van but sufficient.

Lewis and wife enjoying the event.

Nice open bar but I couldn't drink on duty. Did sip a bit of champagne at the end.

The dancing wheel chair guy. I had to carry him into the van.

Did I mention it was a nice setting.

The Golub house is on Basin Bay just south of Bolton Landing. Took this just up the hill.

Composited this from my photos for the "lucky" couple.

Interesting crowd. Some weird Jewish music. Club Med dance routines mixed in with old man doing wheelchair dancing. Questionable gender varieties, unmentionable smoke in the air, whatever. Met Max Yazgur's son. (Woodstock: "I'm only a farmer."), is retired NYC criminal trial lawyer and volunteer at Americade Motorcycle Event. People from England, Missouri, many from Mass. By midnight drunk guys wanted cigs. I advised everything's closed. They said in Boston everything's open. I advised they were not in Boston anymore. They said this would be good place for a murder! What's up with that? Bride groom Joey is studying anthropology going to Paris for next 2  years study. One bombed girl wanted ride back to Milwaukee. Triffelettis were there, had produce and warehouses in Albany that DEC rents. Chinese Mechanical Engineer starting company in Williamstown building a machine that will stack pallet boxes. Have not discounted brother's suggestion of professional chaufferism. Several guests wanted to hire me, but what will the future bring? probably just hangovers. [regret not taking the filet mignon offered, did have some shrimp]

Prior to the event I went up to meet Lewis and nail down the details. He let me launch my kayak for a little expedition on the lake.