chapter 363

Round Lake

nature can be so nurturing 


link to Round Lake folder 50 pics (or IE browser )

Spur of moment decision to recharge my spiritual center and round out my kayak experiences paddling across near by Round Lake and down the Anthony Kill creek (4 mile round trip). I became mesmerized by these beautiful Great Blue Herons. They present such a different image each time with their long gangly bodies contorted in various ways. They are skittish and want to keep you about 50 yards away so telephoto works. Folder contains excess; (excessive snap shot material). 

Had to go back a couple times arriving at the DEC launch closer to day break when the rising golden sun back lights the rising fog. The outfall stream is across the way center right with the dead standing trees.

As you approach the marshy area keep an eye open for the birds in the trees. Moving slowly so as to not spook them will get best results.

The dead trees are good vantage points to use their excellent vision. They will sit motionless for a half hour patiently awaiting a food source or can often be resting on just one leg. They close their eyes intermittently in a seeming cat nap technique of rest. This one faces the Sun as the foggy skies cleared. They make a bunch of interesting sounds. At water's edge they are in wading watching hunting mode. Disturbed here they make an awk awk sound as they fly away.

Mr Cormorant is liable to pop his head up at any time from his underwater fishing exercises.


The stream gets quite shallow and windy where a second tributary enters and I turned around. Want to at least go to Coons Crossing next, all the way to the Hudson 7 miles downstream might be too dangerous with it's (Indian name Tenendehowa) many whitewater rapids.

Jake (from State Farm) trip documentation helps to know the dangers downstream. Beaver dams and many downed trees are obstacles. Want to avoid the strainers where you can get trapped and drown in the remote wooded sections.

A painting by 1800s artist Mabel Olmsted used to be shown at the George West Museum of Art and Archaeology in Round Lake. She is listed on page 67 of the 1887 Round Lake History . More history at the Round Lake Village web site .

Anthony Kill might be named for Anthony Turek 1798 State appointed Methodist Minister to Saratoga County???
