chapter 456


Deep Thoughts

and doggone it people like me

After re-editing last week's  Blizzard of '66 photo I figured it should be shared further. Put on FB, then discovered a 3000 member Cortland nostalgia group and put it there. It was overwhelmingly liked there immediately so I posted 5 more things that were pertinent. Brother says the guy who bought our old homestead had been enjoying viewing the pictures and video and the group moderator has used my photo as their page banner.

It was rewarding and heart warming, I must say, to get those likes (338 likes and counting) from strangers along with positive comments unlike the disgusting small minded negativity that has been on FB due to the election process. Had to "un-follow" many people.

Yes, this is a way of reflecting back and thinking about the meaning of life. It's just like the way comedians Stuart Smalley w/ video (now US Senator) Daily Affirmations and Jack Handey's Deep Thoughts did on Saturday Night Live years ago. "Probably the saddest thing you'll ever see is a mosquito sucking on a mummy."

Copyright issues ruin the ability to readily share Deep Thoughts segments but this link has 10 top video clips of Saturday Night Live skits is even funnier. It's good to laugh. Way better than the current SNL.

Yes, I do look back and reflect daily. At years end most people think about their year to put it in perspective.

I DO NOT want Christmas presents. I like to buy my own, the things I like. To commemorate the beautiful time I had in 2016 I thought an "Indian spiritual hawk type ring" would be fitting for me and a special friend. As I drove down the interstate to the shopping mall, drivers were frantically bobbing and weaving bringing visions of road rage dancing in my head. Is this the spirit of Christmas?

Eventually, I did acquire appropriate items from a local shop and from the internet. The corn harvest overlay band top left is an important theme to the Hopi artisan who created it in Arizona where their Reservation is located. Navajo's from New Mexico did the inlay of Kingman Turquoise and Coral in the other two pieces. 

Beautiful to look at I think and well photographed by their vendors. 

Photoed my neighbor for this poignant shot. There's some irony in it, if you know what I mean. 

Jewelry making demonstrations videos
