chapter 290

Goin Mobile


my world rank is 7885


link to all My Youtube videos (117 uploaded)


I've just now coded all my videos on Youtube to be more compatible on mobile devices platform independent. Had to jump thru many coding hoops like frequency modification via Audacity to make them playable. They are for now but it's ever-changing. The goal is to have them playable from the Ballston Spa Golf Course to a cafe in Seattle or Bangladesh.

The iPad will show this image although it will look different on a phone or desktop. Click VIDEOS to reveal the PLAYLISTS where I've cataloged the videos by subject matter into about 10 easier to find categories. They are reasonbly searchable for key words in the search programs .

Why? A technology hobby.

I've always liked the concept of holding one small portable device in the palm of your hand that could contain all the world's knowlege. WW2 warrior Vannevar Bush predicted this in 1945 and Steve Jobs got it going with his "Think Different" vision.


Here is a well done entertaining video illustrating some of the immediacy and applications of these things. There is good, bad, and ugly with any subject.

