Easter Island

3/4/2012                                                                                    link back up to main Chapter 262 Coins



My Pacific Ocean 2008 Easter Island (Rapa Nui) coin features the mysterious moai.


  There is a strange resemblance between my ?African spiritual? statue. Depends on your perspective, but just maybe there is a commonality of the Ancient Alien Theory around the world. Some say that it was this long-eared tribe of Rapa Nui who were the gods who came down from the stars. At least we now know the Kon Tiki theory was wrong as Professor Terry explains that DNA analysis proves the islanders were derived from oceanic Polynesians not Incas from South America.

It was the civilized world that gave a name for the Island. The Western World's first landing (invasion) was by Europeans on the sacred Christian holy day of Easter in the year 1722. The outlanders started off by killing a dozen natives, but it wasn't for years later that they took captives to Peru as slaves.



       We had a Polynesian alien encounter in Hawaii back in 1974. We found the fertility God Lono and a bunch of other gods at the City of Refuge along the Kona coast of the Big Island. I think there is a similarity in the face of Lono. He was also an Ancient Alien having come to earth on a "rainbow" (or was it a firery plume of a spacecraft). It's just north of  Kealakekua Bay (the Pathway of the Gods) where the English explorer Captain James Cook was killed by the natives in 1779 when he surprised them during a high religious festival. Perhaps the Easter Island moai are related to the Hawaiian temple as it is sometimes called a morai .


 My 2008 Mil Pesos coin illustrates the interesting written language called Rongorongo found carved in wood and stone around the island by the original natives.


Their strange characters with emphasis on bird people have not been deciphered by academics.


corrororatory linkage

Easter Island   - Lono   -City of Refuge   -Pathway of the Gods   -Captain James Cook   -Rongorongo as yet not been deciphered

