Terry's Journey in Retirement

Chapter 596


Night Photography

flying blind

Have wanted to achieve this result from the beginning of my intorduction to the Mavic Air 2 and finally got around to it after encouragement from the youtube channel members tutorials like this great  dronexfactor guy  . It definitely takes some time to build up confidence flying so you don't crash, upset people or lose your drone. I did use the recommended neutral density filter ND16 with ISO 100 to 200, shutter speed 8 seconds, then post processing for enhancements. It's nice to be able to change settings 'on the fly' from my phone app. Did many trials but had to land to change the filters.

Scouted out a trial flight mission during the day and chose a launch site safe from the ghetto shootings from atop the Hudson Beaver Street parking garage. Free parking on weekends, but when I got there it was $5 for special event parking, (Pearlapalooza). So l just parked on Broadway obscurely and had begun during the golden hour- half hour before to half hour after sunset on a relatively clear night.

Looking north up the Hudson I can see the D&H building where I started my career in 1968 with DOT and where I ended my career in 2003 with DEC.

Also the Post Office in between where the mandatory pre-induction physical was conducted before entering the armed forces in 1969.

While Subaru shopping with Colleen did a quick launch at ESAM to capture their new Concorde next to the Schenectady Airport. FAA now lets you launch near airports as long as you acknowledge you will fly safely.

We had a snack from this Thomas Mountain top overlooking Lake George. I flew over a mile to Cat Mountain but the hawks were large on my screen monitor. Felt like they might attack so I did a quick beeline back here to safety.

We spoke to representatives of Porsche North America who were setting up a couple dozen cars for couples who were about to begin their experience driving through some beautiful spots in the North East. Their cost $20,000 all inclusive, Our cost $0.

Had a nice lunch sharing a table with a couple from Hollywood Florida.