chapter 307

Trivial Pursuits


looking a gift seahorse in the mouth

my seahorse safari video

Normally I try to bring earth shaking BIG stories to the web. Sometimes it's just a really insignificant thing that catches my fancy though, that I feel compelled to document.

Visited the Berkshire Museum in Pittsfield, MA for a nice sunny Mustang tune up run (4" snow today). Viewed the Ansel Adams collection (he needs more color).

I noticed he has copied my style in many of his photographs. This one a couple weeks ago at Vischer Ferry during my new truck photoshoot.

     What I was most impressed with, however, was the cute little seahorses down in the aquariums. I coulda watched them for hours had I not already been burned out on my tour. They have little fins on their ears and back for locomotion. Eyeball looking all around makes you wonder what they are thinking as they come over to you. Video and pics do not capture the rapture. There were several other little exhibits for small minded people as well.

Walked up to the artsy Marketpace Cafe for lunch and ran into a guy who knew well the now Pittsfield artist, who was a house mate of mine at S.U. This guy also lived next door to us (at Marshall Cottage) back at S.U. and was in the photo journalism school.

moral: think small