chapter 572



and a Canadian Thanksgiving

link to RingCam video 11min

During the last 6 months I set up my Ring camera by the side of my house and nabbed 168 game recordings of a half minute. That's nearly an hour and a half of video from which I chose only 11 minutes of less redundant recordings include turkey, raccoon, fox, opossum, skunk, bumble bee, and especially deer. You'll thank me for not including squirrels. This wont win any awards but I just had to composite it once. An excellent urban archery deer hunt on Youtube for you hunters.

I knew we had deer go through our property, I'd see one maybe a couple a year and saw many footprints but had no idea they were so plentiful and regular setting off my cam nearly every other day.

Makes me wonder if Dad's spirit sent so many of these deer by. Kathy tells story of after his funeral they took the jeep up the valley toDad's hunting deer stand, Taj Mahal, and saw a big buck who wouldn't leave even after they tried to scare him.

We celebrated Thanksgiving in October kind of a Canadian tradition and to beat Dr Fauci's negative covid proclamation. Not that often that all the remaining Virgil Olmsteds get together.

We did a little pre dinner hike down at the Lime Hollow Nature Preserve.

We staged a little annual Pitch competition and Kathy, Scott and I as team champions. The underdogs Carol, Dale, and Lisa's  bark was worse than their bite. We used to play this ages ago growing up in Virgil.
