Chapter 241 Holstentor Lubeck


Holstentor Lubeck




Holstentor (Holstein gate) at Lubeck is the medieval warmly inviting city gate entrance to this beautiful northern Germany city near the coast of the Baltic Sea. Virgil's Holstein cows did not come from here but the Netherlands. Pic on right was our warm welcome to Regensburg when the old flower lady touchingly said "you American, first time here" gave Kathy the flower and refused payment. I inspected the hops farms on the way down.





related links


Into the Darkness a more detailed contemporaneous description of the WHW by Stoddard alluding to the insideous and sinister nature of the program as part of the propaganda and psychological warfare of the Reich.


Regensburg Strike Force


Google hack Regensburg


100th BG



Attack 17Aug 43 by Allied B-17s on Sweinfurt and Regensburg Messerschmitt fighter factory on the otherside of the city where the flower lady in Platz from photo above.