chapter 239D

Uncle Gene Schmidt


Heisman Trophy within reach

Uncle Gene had the Heisman Trophy within reach. How do I know? You can see for yourself at the Dome.

 Early 50's Schmidt reunion in Buffalo-Gene at rear of Chevy just in front of me.


  Go to the Carrier Dome bottom floor trophy cases- look for

 Ernie Davis and the bronze Heisman statue and hang a right. Gene is in the next trophy case. I'd attended the SU - Rhode Island football game at SU last Saturday and although I'd been to the Dome many times, I'd never really taken the time to view this area. Was very surprised and proud to see Uncle Gene's picture enclosed behind the glass case with the 1942 team.

Mom always looked up to and admired her big brother, as did we all. Those football "genes" have transcended down a couple generations to nephew high school Coach Olmsted in Massachusetts .
