chapter 337

Hockeyplayercam II


Barrett Blick Benefit

Old teammate Darwen VanNatten sports the Go Pro helmet cam here, but I pioneered this technology 6 years ago in our old league. The game was a fund raiser for Barrett Blick , a young Texas Border Patrol Agent still suffering terminal brain cancer. Darwen plays for the Schenectady Police Department going against the Saratoga Police Department here.

Putting up best photos I could muster, but difficult to shoot hockey.

This is the Schenectady County rink where my Silverbacks practiced. 

top shelf

Best shot with the Schenectady guy going top shelf for a score.

stay safe

Photography can be dangerous too. It's a balancing act keeping one eye on the puck while still composing the shot. Moving targets are difficult, but it's easier than actually playing.
