chapter 277

My Alien Encounter


star people, dog people, dog star

Journey's End - I've found what I was looking for, even though I didn't know that I was searching for anything. Turns out I have an Ancient Alien artifact (bequeathed to Shawn). These Dogon people of West Africa made the knife pictured above that Dad brought back from there in WW2. What's amazing is the Dogon are connected to the Sirius Mystery , the brightest star in the sky, the dog star, and the Star people. How? Aliens may have come down thousands of years ago which started the Dogon worship ceremonies. They had migrated from Egypt where similar worship of Sirius and Orion stars occurred. The new Journey begins, with out of this world chapters to follow.


 The Kanaga masks here are just some of many styles used in many funeral and spiritual dances to honor their original alien creator. Masks evoke a feeling of the presence of the unseen.  You might recognize the similarity of the tan and green fringe on the knife and on the dancers as well as the sacrificial red goat blood dyed goat leather (the inspiration for some Gucci and Louis Vuitton handbags used today).

But I know you wont believe me so first play this History Channel video at minute 25:40 brief  There is a nice explanation of the Sigui ceremony that has been practiced every 60 years for maybe thousands of years. The mystery is how these ancients knew about the dwarf Sirius B Star thousands of years ago when it is not visible to the naked eye and was only recently photographed in the 1970s and confirmed by the Hubble a couple years ago. Did Aliens come down and reveal that knowledge? There is skepticism. A more lengthy version is on the video link (at minute mark 25:30) from my Dogon Daggar chapter 6 years ago. I must admit I didn't even grasp the significance at the time.

  Admittedly, this is an obscure link to Ancient Aliens, but it is MY link. It was really the coins and the history search that brought me here. My 2007 Egypt pound coin displays King Tut. He and his ancestors, especially Akanaten were the original coneheads. At the Great Pyramid at Giza, the Queens southern "air shaft" chamber aligns with the Sirius star which honor their goddess Isis .


 The doctors try to explain away the cephalic index syndrome as they have a habit of doing, but the evidence mounts up for the true origin of these aliens (King Tut, his sister, and his GGG Gpa in reverse order).


Now the Real Journey has just begun.

Great Dogon pictures

Extensive Dogon references   their video links   dogon masks video

15min old History video        Nat Geo the Dama       Tourist explorer play at min 21:30 Sigui dance       Hulu Gods & Aliens 44min with commercials

I had recently seen this pottery figurine on ebay and was possessed by it's spirit. Was described as "possibly Mayan" from a world collector estate sale. Was the lucky sole bid at $20. Now I'm thinking it may be a priceless Dogon Amma or Nommo sky god figurine. Perhaps it wont bring a million dollar like this one from Sothebys but mine is better.

 To me my figure has the feel of these Nommos found in a French author's book . Am awaiting identification from NYS Museum Ethnologist Dr Betty Duggan.


 In another of his chapters I found a Nommo mounted on top of the Kanaga Mask . As my figure is hollowed out, it could be readily mounted on such a mask.

Science of the Dogon book describing this god and altar shrine.

Sirius star is the nose of the constellation canis major, or dog constellation.

Within this Mali Burinka Faso district also live the Lobi tribe also use the similar Bateba figure to honor the thila spirts.

extensive African art

extensive African masks

