Terry's Journey in Retirement

Chapter 588


Miscellaneous Drone Shots

learn by doing

Honing my drone flying skills with practice. We do the German Club dinners on occasion so I wasn't too uncomfortable doing it with the crowd. We know the band and this is the best shot of the night launching just a few feet off the ground and not buzzing too much to bother the guys.

The tall pine trees made it difficult from the reverse angle although I did get in there. Don't think the guy on the right was a nazi in hiding, just sun hurting eyes, probably.

Launching from my house deck is always and option so I went up as a storm passed thru. The towns are considering allowing kayaks and non motorized on our Stony Creek Reservoir. Cool.

Had an opportunity to do the 1914 Delaware and Hudson headquarters building. Started my engineering career on the third floor right side nor the NYSDOT.

Had opportunity for free admission Vets day at Saratoga and with free parking right up front for motorcycles, the drone package fods up nice and compact. Launched from Nelson Ave and didn't go over the track to bother any horses or people.

Had opportunity for free admission Vets day at Saratoga and with free parking right up front for motorcycles, the drone package fods up nice and compact. Launched from Nelson Ave and didn't go over the track to bother any horses or people.

Albany County is finally building this CSO combined sewer overflow facility for to chlorinate and the half billion gallons of crap that had previously gone into the Hudson River for centuries.

It's a massive undertaking and wont be done for a year or so. It'll all be covered up for a park with some of the solids transported underground to the main treatment plant.

I had a great lauch side just a hundred feet above here. It was in the ghetto however where there have been shootings and killings every week. But daylight and I've tramped these areas for many decades. In fact this Lincoln Park was one of the first places I played outdoor hoops with the "natives".

Went up the the Albany County secondary treatment activated sludge facility just a mile upstream to complete the story. They have been treating most of the wastewater for decades here but have been missing rainfall events.

Had opportunity for free admission Vets day at Saratoga and with free parking right up front for motorcycles, the drone package fods up nice and compact. Launched from Nelson Ave and didn't go over the track to bother any horses or people.

This is the heart of sanitary engineering. Aerator impellers put air into the liquor. Some sedimentary sludge that is settled out in secondary clarifiers is reinjected here. The bacterial microbes love to eat the solids in the presence of oxygen.

This is what happens in natural streams but sanitary engineers have enhanced and perfected the process yielding clean water that is reintroduced back into the river.

With the recent rains I was able to illustrate the conditions of combined sewer overflows and dilution. The dark chocolate on the left is lockage from the Mohawk River / Erie Canal. Some of it is natural sediments but there's also runoff with pollutants.

It mixes with Mohawk River water on the right half of the photo. Then further downstream there is further mixing with the Hudson River. Dilution helps reduce pollution.