Chapter 48-30

30 Offenburg                                                                                                                                                                          back to first mission


US mision 727


Long mission 7hrs 10min, down near Switzerland. Hit marshalling (RR) yards of Offenburg, Germany. Perfect run and picture of strike in put "Stars and Stripes", Army magazine. Carried five  500 pounders and incendiaries. Last mission.


Picture above from later never ending series of bomb runs.


Return to East Coast in December 1944 via the troop transport ships  Moreton Bay or Marine Robin with POWs.


related web links


Thirty Missions Text


Thirty Mission Static Map


30 Missions Interactive Geographic Map


all WW2 missions 


489th Bomb Group


93rd BG


Target for Today Excellent 1944 AA Corps Govt movie puts you right back there to cover a whole mission. Real military personnel although campy stilted dialog. 1 1/2 hr  if glitch/reload