chapter 349

First Things First


quadrant 2 living

First Amendment rights seemed to be too weighty of a subject in the last chapter so this will be on the light side. Sometimes it's better to be quiet and just listen to the sound of running water. Brother Bill came out here for a paddle on the Mohawk River - Erie Canal. It was on his bucket list of important things to do before it's too late.

Exploring what's around the next corner can be an adventure. This might be the same spot where the Mohawk Indians first saw white man coming into their territory. There must have been a feeling of danger, apprehension, and fear of the unknown when encountering an unaccustomed object.

Gaining confidence and acclimating to his new surroundings, he pushes to new limits.

When we took our kayaks out at the shoreline, these guys were just catching their first fish. Thankfully they had not filled up their fish bucket with small inconsequential ones first so they had room for this one big important one. It's an important concept First Things First , a book and a concept of living that can bring peace and fulfillment.

I just have to have more to a chapter than pictures. Bill and I were practicing First Things First by living in the second quadrant where you are living by your inner moral compass rather than the clock. That is to say we were upper right quadrant driven. There was no urgency to carry out this paddle. Yet it was an important quality of life experience. 

We are avoiding  the urgency addiction that many people have (wage slaves, etc.) where there is a constant rush to put out fire after fire. That is living in quadrant 1 & 3 sometimes unavoidable in quadrant 1 but mostly a lifestyle choice as in quadrant 3. To correlate being busy with doing important things can be a fallacy. Quadrant 3 urgency addicted people tend to lapse into the dreaded quadrant 4 time wasting sector because they are so stressed and burned out, you know who you are. End of sermon.

Audio Book Summary and hour long presentation of the hardcover linked here but seems to keep getting removed.
