Chapter 23 New Career






Honda trip to Mom's has put me on a new path. A motorcyclist committed suicide by wheelie in front of me in Syracuse putting a strain on my schedule. Lucky I had my "cell", altered my itinerary and saved the day. Sis scarfed up the free meal with no thanks, Bro Bill was stick-in-mud as usual. 

Next day left Mom's and proceeded to Westchester Co for Acura. Coming back to Albany smoke & fire caught my attention. It's like an omen- why haven't I opened my eyes to see this before. Proceeded to local newspaper (  ) with scoop. Had to get by top security guard Ishmail, as was after hours. Ish says I can get a good job with Wakenhut, (see chap 108) his company. He said I didn't look like one of them fireign terrorists. Got into inner locked sanctum of the newsroom where the AP guy and the reporters were agagle over my shocking photos. Long story short, look for story on me & burn soon. 

still hard to leave "behind" the sanitary engineering