P.K. Lavengood (John Eddie Band)

P.K. Lavengood (b. Columbus, Indiana, January 16, 1959 -- ) – Guitarist, singer, and songwriter. A 1981 Telecommunications graduate from Indiana University, P.K. Lavengood played in a number of Bloomington bar bands in the early 1980s, among them the Last Safari. In 1984, he founded the Bloomington-based Rods and Cones, a trio that had a strong regional following. Among the band’s career highlights are getting a standing ovation as the opening act for Stevie Ray Vaughn in 1985 and producing the video “Boys Will be Boys,” which received some airplay on MTV. While playing with PK’s Green Eggs and Ham in 1988, Lavengood was discovered by John Eddie, who hired him the next year to be his full-time guitarist. Twenty years later, he still plays with the John Eddie Band and resides in Manahawkin, New Jersey. Lavengood also fronts his own New Jersey group called Band Without Fear. Other notables P.K. has played with are the Joe Ely Band, Storyville, and John Mellencamp.