The Story So Far...

The rough outline of my campaign so far

  • Pilot (Slythe, Oberron, Human Wizard, Daelkyr Half-Blood Rogue)

    • The Forgotten Forge

  • The First Season (Slythe, Oberron, Render, Hedeke)

      • Modules used

      • Shadows of the Last War

      • Whispers of the Vampire’s Blade

        • Meet Professor Baxter

        • Escort to Temple / Recover the Gem

    • Other parts

      • Return to Sharn

      • Deal with the Boromars to save Baxter

      • Defeat the Daask

      • Fight on skysleds over lava

        • “86 Points of Acid Damage, you sopping wet whore!!!”

      • Defeat House Tarkanan agents

        • “Is this a love game?”... “Yes, it is”... fall out of 80 story window

      • Develop connections with the Tyrants

      • First Manifest Zone in Sharn (Syrannia)

    • Eyes of the Lich Queen

      • Travel to Haka’tavorak for Manifest (Fernia)

      • Make deal with Haka’tavorak for his freedom

      • Save Dragons from Curse

    • Mini-Vacation in Io’olosaskar, Dragon Capital of Argonessan

      • Manifest Zone (Daanvi)

  • The Second Season

    • Introduction of Shudar & Verk from the Light of Siberys

    • Recover the damaged airship, bring to Stormhome

    • Find Winterborn to repair the airship

    • Free Dorn from prison

    • Travel to the Gloaming, Manifest Zone (Mabar)

      • Slythe crits Shudor to get power points to de-rage Dorn

    • Travel to the Twilight Demnse, Manifest Zone (Thelannis)

      • Trade something important to pass

    • Encounter the Children of Winter

      • Saved by Thogarn the Boar of the Gatekeepers

      • Emergency at the Hall of the Blind Mother

      • Asked to save Thogarn’s cousin at a manifest zone in Xen’drik

    • Get to Stormhome

      • Hot-drop-swap the Binding Crystal

      • Fight with the airship pirates & Red Dragon master

      • Find their massive cave base

    • Travel to Stormreach

      • Encounter Blood of Vol & Emerald Claw, captured one

      • Travel to first temple, save Dagarak, Manifest Zone (Lamannia)

    • Start of the Road to the Los Magus, the Last City of the Giants

      • Counter-clockwise around Xen’Drik

      • Manifest Zone (Shavarth) - Eternal Battlefield

      • The Black Tower

      • The kidnapping of Slythe / Rescue / Capture of Psiforged

      • Manifest Zone (Risia) - Everice

        • “Eye of the Khyber” / Freeing the Kyberson (Tarrasque)

      • The Firstforged

        • Tony’s Universal Greeting / The First Quorforged

      • Manifest Zone (Kythri) - The Unbound Castle

        • The loss of Render saving the air ship

    • Manifest Zone (Irian) - The City of Golden Light

      • The Death of the God-Emperor

      • Shudor’s Mark

      • Capture of the Khyberson

    • Return to Khorvaire

      • Teleporting into Lady Vol’s Castle / Near TPK

      • Emergency teleport out by Chamber agents

    • Meet with Thogarn again about Manifest Zone (Xoriat)

        • Living manifest zone to Xoriat is moving toward the Lair of the Keeper

    • Travel to the Lair of the Keeper

      • Massive Battle w/ Lady Vol’s Forces in front of Manifest Zone (Dolurrh)

    • The Entry into Sarlona

      • Meet with Adar Resistance

      • Arrange for Kalashtar operatives to get close to key Reidran officials

      • Get to the Central Tower in Durat Tal

      • Manifest Zone (Dreams)

      • Slythe activates the Annulus

  • The Third Season

      • Starts 6 months after attack on Durat Tal