Sanguineous Tome

Aura: Strong Necromancy; CL: 20th

Slot: Slotless; Wgt: 5 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Artifact

Source: SoX, pg. 153


This ancient tome is written on elven skin and bound thick leather that is probably giant or some other humanoid. The text details aspects of the faiths of the ancient giants as well as ancient elves, both of which directly influenced the current faith of the Blood of Vol. While the book is indestructible (much to the dismay of dragons), it does not have any immediate effect. However, if someone spends eight hours per day for six days, speaks giant, drow and elven and makes a successful Knowledge (religion) check, DC 50, at the end of that period, the reader gains a permanent +5 competence bonus to Knowledge (religion) concerning the undead and Blood of Vol and gains a +1 caster level to all spells of the necromancy school. This bonus stacks with other sources that improves one's caster level. It is also rumored that methods of creating undead that have not been seen on Eberron in ages also exist, but that is unconfirmed.