Fuel Shard

Aura: Strong (no school); CL: 11th

Slot: Slotless; Price: 250 gp (+1 spell level), 1,000 gp (+2 spell level), 2,250 gp (+3 spell level), 4,000 gp (+4 spell level); Wgt: 1 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Dragonmarked

Source: MoE, pg. 115

Description: A Fuel Shard is a Siberys dragonshard of varying size that is attuned to a specific true dragonmark, as per the Dragonmark Feats. If wielded by someone that has the same true dragonmark to which it is attuned, it can be used once to augment an activated true dragonmark spell-like ability. The effect of the dragonmark spell-like ability must be an actual spell (as opposed to using a dragonmark spell-like ability to activate another magical item or feat) and regardless of the success, the Fuel Shard crumbles to dust afterwards.

Fuel Shards augment dragonmark spell-like abilities by applying a metamagic feat to the dragonmark spell-like ability. The most common metamagic feats used are Extend Spell, Empower Spell and Heightened Spell (which is used to raise the DC of the spell-like ability). If the metamagic feat cannot be applied to a specific dragonmark spell-like ability because the spell duplicated is not valid for the metamagic feat, the Fuel Shard is wasted. If the metamagic feat has a variable spell level increase, like Heightened Spell, the spell level increase is determined with the Fuel Shard is created. The cost of a Fuel Shard is based on the spell level increase, as detailed above

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have the true dragonmark to which the shard is attuned, creator must have the feat that the Fuel Shard duplicates. Creating a Fuel Shard only takes 1 day, regardless of cost.

Construction Cost: A Siberys dragonshard worth the total price of the Fuel Shard.