
Aura: Moderate Conjuration; CL: 6th

Price: +2 bonus

Special Notes / Rules: Elemental Binding (water, 4-6 HD, usually a Medium Water Elemental)

Source: ECB, pg. 266


A Waterborn weapon has a Khyber dragonshard in the hilt, keeping a water elemental prisoner. The weapon itself becoming a foamy blue color, regardless of its actual composition. As long as the wielder and his opponent are in contact with water, the wielder gains a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls and CMB checks made with the weapon. These bonuses do not apply if either the wielder or his opponent is not in contact with the same source of water. If the wielder is in or underwater, a wielded Waterborn weapon allows him to act normally as if under the effects of a Freedom of Movement spell. This benefit does not apply to other terrains nor does it provide any form of breathing underwater.

If this special quality is placed on a slashing or bludgeoning weapon, it also operates without any penalty from being in or under water, including attacks from the ground to an opponent that is underwater. This special quality can only be placed on melee weapons.

Construction Requirements: Craft Arms and Armor, Bind Elemental, Freedom of Movement

Construction Costs: As per Elemental Binding, with a Khyber dragonshard worth at least 500 gp