Dragon Prophet


It is said that there is a Prophecy. This Prophecy governs everything, everywhere, among all people and among all time. In ages long ago, the dragons of that age discovered the Prophecy and learned from it things and events that even the immortal races do not fully understand. In current times, that Prophecy is cloaked in metaphor and unknown context; its pieces scattered along the winds, in the waves of the sea and mighty mountains. Only those with the patience and understand can hope to understand even the smallest part of the Prophecy. For, while the Prophecy is never wrong, it can be misinterpreted.

Among the shorter lived races, there are those whose blood has been touched by the power of the ancient dragons that first discovered the Prophecy. They are spellcasters that seek not just power, but wisdom from what the Prophecy can show. And they have been befriended and guided by dragons that continue the work of their ancestors; to seek out part of the Prophecy, watching events unfold and taking a hand in events that are yet to be. They are the Dragon Prophets, for while the Prophecy can be misinterpreted, it is never wrong.

Role: Dragon prophets are spellcasters with an agenda, with a capital A. They are planners, thinkers and observers, but when they act, they strike with the force of the mighty wyrm. Given their ability to know things that no mortal should have the right to, many would think that dragon prophets become megalomaniacs, but in truth, they tend to keep a sense of humility, knowing that they are but trusted servants to agents even more powerful.

Source: MoE, pg. 63

Alignment: Dragon prophets tend to be neutral, but that is only because of the need to understand the extreme long view of things and how the chaos of the moment can effect the plans for the future. Otherwise, they are as varied as the dragons they work with.

Hit Dice: d6


To qualify to become a dragon prophet, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Knowledge (history) 5 ranks.

Feats: Dragon Totem (see Special).

Special: Speak Draconic, Ability to cast 3rd level spells or 3rd level infusions. A character with a class feature or feat that has already determined a true dragon (just as barbarian rage power, oracle mystery or sorcerer bloodline) does not need to have the Dragon Totem feat to qualify for this prestige class.

Class Skills:

The dragon prophet's class skills (and the key abilities for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Chr), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Use Magic Device (Chr).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Table: The Dragon Prophet

Class Features:

All of the following are class features of the dragon prophet prestige class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Dragon prophets do not gain any new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Spells per Day / Spells Known: At the indicated levels, a dragon prophet gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous caster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If he had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a dragon prophet, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purpose of determining spells per day. Once this decision is made, it cannot be changed. Artificers and their infusions count as an arcane spellcasting class for this prestige class.

Dragon Patron: At 1st level, the dragon prophet is assigned to a true dragon of the same type as what was chosen by feat or class ability that met the prerequisites. This dragon is an Old Dragon, as per Dragon Age rules, and will periodically be in contact with the dragon prophet during the course of his career. The dragon is considered a reluctant ally, willing to pass on information and guidance, but will not engage in direct confrontation on behalf of the dragon prophet unless doing so also benefits the dragon as well. Contact between the dragon prophet and the patron is a constant, mild form of telepathy that will let the other know about the desire to meet and general direction and distance to the other, so long as they are on the same plane. Treat this a unbreakable Telepathic Bond, but with only the ability to convey general location, state of being and the desire to speak.

Anytime the patron is approached, he is initially indifferent, and appropriate use of Diplomacy is needed to get more than very basic or very cryptic advise.

GM Note: Dragons in Eberron are not bound by the alignment and common personalities as dragons of other campaign settings. Thus, a good-aligned dragon prophet that has chosen Red dragons might get a lawful good red dragon as his patron... or a lawful evil one. The GM makes the final determination on the nature and mindset of the patron, but the patron and the dragon prophet must be able to work together for an extended period of time.

Prophetic State (Su): At 1st level, the patron teaches the dragon prophet how to enter a prophetic state. Dragons are timeless creatures, having the patience of the ages, and learn through their experience to see the world in the extreme long view. To shorter lived races, this requires a form of meditation that takes a full-round action that provokes to enter and can be done a number of times per day equal to 3 + the dragon prophet's Int modifier. A dragon prophet can remain in this state for up a number of rounds equal to his class level, ending it voluntarily with a free action, but it ends prematurely anytime the dragon prophet is knocked unconscious.

While in this state, the dragon prophet activates any one Prophetic Powers he has chosen. Changing powers does require ending one state and entering a new one. At 5th level, when the dragon prophet enters a Prophetic State, he can choose up to two Prophetic Powers to activate for the duration of his Prophetic State. This increases to three Prophetic Powers at 9th level.

Prophetic Power (Su): At 1st level, and every odd level thereafter, the dragon prophet gains a new power to activate with his Prophetic State class ability. Once a new power has been chosen, it cannot be changed.

Mark of the Prophecy: While in your Prophetic State, you instinctively know whenever there is someone or something important to the plans of schemes of the dragons, often referred to as "The Prophecy". This allows you to automatically know whenever someone with a dragonmark (true or aberrant, see Dragonmark Feats for details) or dragonmarked objects (see Dragonmarked magical items for details) is within 60', although this does not pinpoint the specific individual or object. At 4th level, you are able to pinpoint the specific individual or object with 3 rounds of concentration (as standard actions each), provided that the subject remains within 60'. At 6th level, the range on this ability extends to 120'. At 8th level, you are able to pinpoint the specific individual or object instantly upon detection. At 10th level, the range on this ability extends to 300'.

Unlike other methods of detection, this ability is not blocked by materials, is not a divination effect and cannot be blocked as such. Your dragon patron will often require you to use this ability to find people or things that are important to him.

Patron Link: While in your Prophetic State, you instinctively know the location of your dragon patron, his state of health and gain the ability to communicate with him telepathically regardless of distance, so long as you and your patron are on the same plane. This all assumes that your patron wishes to pass on this information, but so long as your last encounter did not leave him with a Hostile attitude, this is rare.

Prophetic Durability: You gain fast healing 1 for the duration of your Prophetic State. At 5th level, this improves to fast healing 3. At 10th level, this improves to fast healing 5.

Prophetic Insight: You gain an insight bonus to Perception and Sense Motive checks for the duration of your Prophetic State equal to one half your class level, round down. You also do not suffer a penalty for using Perception or Sense Motive while distracted or in combat.

Prophetic Knowledge: You gain an insight bonus to all Knowledge checks equal to on half your class level, round down, to a minimum of +1. You also can make all Knowledge checks untrained for the duration of your Prophetic State.

Prophetic Protection: You gain an insight bonus to your armor class for the duration of your Prophetic State equal to one third of your class level, round down, to a minimum of +1.

Prophetic Reading: You can prematurely end your Prophetic State as a full-round action that provokes to gain a foretelling of events in the immediate future. At 1st level, this acts as Divination, using your caster level. At 6th level, this acts as Commune, using your caster level. At 10th level, this acts as Legend Lore, using your caster level. The first time you use this Prophecy Power inside of a 24 hour period, you are fatigued until you rest for 8 hours. The second time you use this Prophecy Power inside of a 24 hour period, you are exhausted until you rest for 8 hours. The third time you use this Prophetic Power inside of a 24 hour period, you fall unconscious immediately afterwards (with enough time to say what you discovered) and sleep for 8 hours. Any method of removing these conditions outside of natural rest automatically fail.

Prophetic Salvation: You can reroll one saving throw, skill check or attack roll before determining whether or not it succeeded. You must take the second result, even if it worse. Using this ability immediately ends your Prophetic State. You must be 7th level before selecting this Prophetic Power.

Prophetic Strike: You can, as a free action, gain an insight bonus to attack rolls and confirmation rolls equal to twice your class level, or caster level checks equal to twice you class level, or gain an insight bonus a single saving throw DC equal to your class level. Regardless of which of these three options you choose, this bonus lasts for 1 round, at which point, your Prophetic State prematurely ends. You must be 5th level in order to choose this Prophetic Power.

Prophetic Warning: You gain an insight bonus to your Reflex saving throws for the duration of your Prophetic State equal to one third of your class level, round down, to a minimum of +1.

Dragon Sage (Ex): At 4th level, the dragon patron is willing to conduct more formal business with the dragon prophet, allowing access to his knowledge and resources in exchange for an agreed upon service or payment. In essence, initial attitudes with the patron improve to Friendly and the dragon patron is willing to impart knowledge as per his Knowledge skills and experience.

Dragon Gift (Ex): At 7th level, the dragon patron imparts to the dragon prophet a gift from his dragon horde. This gift is a magical item or valuable tool of the patron's choosing (i.e. GM's discretion) with a base price that does not exceed more than 25,000 gp. The purpose of his gift is make the prophet better suited to meet his goals, not the prophet's, but he understands that in order for the prophet to achieve either, the prophet needs to survive. This gift cannot be sold or lost without angering the patron, although if it becomes unsuitable, the patron will replace with another that is more appropriate.

Dragon Ally (Ex): At 10th level, the dragon patron acknowledges the dragon prophet, finally, as an equal and trusted ally. As such, he becomes willing to fight on the behalf of the dragon prophet, provided that he is aware and able to do so. The dragon patron will not fight on the prophet's behalf in every battle; only those that vital to the dragon prophet's goals or likely to cause the prophet's death or capture. Nor will the dragon patron endorse a plan that would likely lead to his death or capture, but in all other cases, the dragon patron will bring his full force to bear.

GM Note: GMs are encouraged to treat this, not as a companion or cohort, but as a trusted ally that has reason, opportunity and ability to come to the dragon prophet's aid when it really matters. Likewise, the patron's horde is the patron's horde, not the dragon prophet's.