Prospector's Rod

Aura: Faint Divination; CL: 5th

Slot: -; Price: 7,500 gp; Wgt: 3 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Dragonmarked

Source: ECB, pg. 262


A short rod, made of cold iron and adorned with a Siberys dragonshard attuned to the Mark of Finding, is a staple of prospectors of House Tharashk. When used in conjunction with the Locate Object dragonmark spell-like ability of the Mark of Finding, the rod amplifies that dragonmark spell-like ability in the following ways.

First, the duration is doubled as per the Extend Spell metamagic feat and the range is tripled (1,200 feet + 120 feet per caster level). Second, the wielder can specify a specific amount, or a range of amounts. of a specific material, such as 'five or more pounds of lead' or '30 gallons or less of salt water'. Lastly, when the wielder makes physical contact with the source, he automatically knows exactly how much material is present.

This benefit does not apply to any Locate Object spell that the wielder might cast, only the dragonmarked spell-like ability from the Mark of Finding.

Construction Requirements: Craft Rod, Locate Object, creator must have the Mark of Finding.

Construction Cost: 3,000 gp; a Siberys dragonshard worth at least 750 gp.