Silver Pyromancer


Occasionally, the strength of a paladin's arm or the prayers of a devote cleric are not enough. Arcane might has always been a part of Eberron's history and not even the church of the Silver Flame can ignore that when it comes to the most energy directed against ones enemies, one requires the skills of an arcanist. However, the Silver Flame also often hunts down power-mad wizards and blasphemous sorcerers, so it needed to take great care in making sure that their own magi do not fall into the same traps of pride and wrath. From the early years of the church, there were been a few, rare masters of the arcane might that saw the just cause that is the Silver Flame. And from their examples, a new order was formed in service to the Silver Flame.... The Silver Pyromancers.

Role: Silver pyromancers are wizards, sorcerers and rarely arcanists that are devote worshipers of the Silver Flame. So much so that they train for a short period of time as a cleric or paladin and learn to combine the two abilities to strike down enemies of the Silver Flame. Definitely a type of combat spellcaster, silver pyromancers are however bound by the same oaths as paladins, making them more careful in spell combat.

Source: FN, pg. 150

Alignment: Silver Pyromancers are always lawful good.

Hit Dice: d6


To qualify to become a silver pyromancer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Alignment: Lawful good.

Skills: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks.

Special: Region of Origin: Thrane, ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells, ability to channel positive energy, worshiper of the Silver Flame.

Class Skills:

The silver pyromancer's class skills (and the key abilities for each skill) are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Chr), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Table: The Silver Pyromancer

Class Features:

All of the following are class features of the silver pyromancer prestige class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Silver pyromancers gain proficiency with the longbow, composite longbow, shortbow and composite shortbow.

Spells per Day / Spells Known: At the indicated levels, a silver pyromancer gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous caster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If he had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a silver pyromancer, he must decide to which class she adds the new level for the purpose of determining spells per day. Once this decision is made, it cannot be changed.

Channel Energy Benefit (Su): Levels in the silver pyromancer prestige class stack when determining the effectiveness of your channel positive energy class ability. Also, when a silver pyromancer is capable of casting 5th level arcane spells, he can learn Flame Strike as a 5th level arcane spell.

Code of Conduct: Upon starting this prestige class, the silver pyromancer swears an oath of conduct, identical to the paladin code of conduct. If the silver pyromancer ever commits an action that would normally require a paladin to lose any divine class abilities, the silver pyromancer looses all class abilities from this prestige class. This transgression can be atoned for in the same manner as a paladin, as per the Atonement spell.

Sacred Flame (Su): At 2nd level, the silver pyromancer can expend a use of his channel positive energy as part of casting any spell or activating a spell-like ability with the fire descriptor, or any class or racial ability that deals fire damage. If he does so, the fire damage dealt is now half fire damage and half holy damage.

At 5th level, the silver pyromancer can expend a use of his channel positive energy as part of casting any spell or activating a spell-like ability with the fire descriptor, or any class or racial ability that deals fire damage. If he does so, the fire damage dealt is now entirely holy damage.

Neither version of this alteration stacks with any other options that change the damage type dealt by spells (i.e. Elemental Spell metamagic feat, etc), nor does it apply to fire effects created by magical items or other effects. This is a clear exception to the magic-psionic transparency rule. In order to use this class ability, the silver pyromancer must be brandishing or clearly wearing a holy symbol of the Silver Flame.

Lingering Flame (Su): At 3rd level, the silver pyromancer can choose whether or not a arcane spell that he casts that has the fire descriptor causes the target(s) to catch fire. This decision must be made before the spell is cast and is applied to all targets of the spell equally. If the spell would normally catch a target (or targets) on fire and the silver pyromancer does not want this effect, that part of the spell is simply omitted from casting. If the spell would not normally catch a target (or targets) on fire and that spell resolves with a Reflex save, those that fail the Reflex save are set on fire for 1d6 points of normal fire damage per round (which is not altered by the Sacred Flame class ability). If the spell does not resolve with a Reflex save (i.e. resolves via attack roll, Fortitude save, Will save, etc), the target (or targets) must make a second Reflex save, with a DC appropriate for the spell, or catch on fire for the same amount of damage. Use the standard rules for being caught on fire.

While silver pyromancers typically uses this ability to limit the potential for their fire spells from going out of control, they do, on occasion, want to lay waste to all that offends them. Use of this class ability to cause targets to catch fire when they normally would not does cause structural damage from fire spells that would normally be instantaneous (i.e. Fireball or Burning Hands).

Smiting Spell (Su): At 4th level, the silver pyromancer can simulate a paladin's smite evil class ability, but with a single spell. In order to use this ability, the silver pyromancer must spend a swift action that does not provoke to brandish a holy symbol of the Silver Flame in the same turn that he casts a spell. Unless the spell does not require somatic components, this means that the silver pyromancer cannot be wielding anything else, including metamagic rods. Every evil creature targeted by the spell is at a -4 to any appropriate saving throw and the silver pyromancer gains a +8 sacred bonus to any caster level check needed to overcome the spell resistance of any evil creature targeted or overcome any effect created by an evil creature. Lastly, any immunity or resistance that a targeted evil creature(s) has is bypassed.

This ability can be used once per day. Use of this class ability that results in death of good aligned individuals, regardless of whether the silver pyromancer was aware of their alignment or not, immediately causes a severe violation of the silver pyromancer's code of conduct. This is the one exception about knowingly committing an evil act that binds silver pyromancer tighter than paladins.