Cannith Goggles

Aura: Faint Transmutation; CL: 5th

Slot: Eyes; Price: 13,000 gp (lesser), 28,000 gp (greater); Wgt: 1/2 lbs.

Source: MoE, pg. 109

Description: While worn, these goggles provide a +5 competence bonus to Perception. If an artificer's infusion (not a spell, extract, or power) is sacrificed while touching the goggles, the goggles gain one of the following benefits for 24 hours, even if the Cannith Googles are suppressed for a period of time during that 24 hours. Doing so requires 1 minute. Regardless of which option is used, only one infusion can be sacrificed to the Cannith Goggles per day.

1st level: The goggles provide the wearer with low-light vision.

2nd level: The goggles provide the wearer with low-light vision and darkvision 60'.

3rd level: The goggles provide the wearer with low-light vision and darkvision 120'.

Greater Cannith googles also have additional options, detailed below.

4th level: The googles provide low-vision that is double effective, darkvision 120' and True Seeing to a range of 15'.

5th level: The goggles provide low-vision that is double effective, darkvision 120' and True Seeing to a range of 30'.

6th level: The googles provide low-vision that is double effective, darkvision 120' and True Seeing to a range of 60'.

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Darkvision (lesser) or Darkvision, True Seeing (greater)

Construction Cost: 6.500 gp (lesser), 14,000 gp (greater)