Altar of Resurrection

Aura: Moderate Conjuration; CL: 13th

Slot: -; Price: 110,000 gp; Wgt: 2,000 lbs

Special Notes / Rules: Dragonmarked

Source: ECB, pg. 261


This large stone slab allows anyone touching it that possesses the Heal or Mass Heal dragonmark spell-like ability from the Mark of Healing to spend one of those uses to cast True Resurrection on a dead body laid on top of the altar, using the caster level of his dragonmarked spell-like ability. The wielder of the Mark of Healing must still provide the normal spell components (a diamond worth 10,000 gp).

Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Resurrection, creator must have the Mark of Healing.

Construction Cost: 45,000 gp and a Siberys dragonshard worth 10,000 gp