Elemental Galleon

Colossal Vehicle

Size: 3 (30' x 90', ring diameter 50'); Cost: 64,000 gp

Aura: Strong Conjuration; Caster Level: 15th;

Special Notes / Rules: Elemental Binding (air or water, 10 HD, usually a Huge Air or Water Elemental)

Source: ECB, pg. 267


AC: 2 (-8 size); Hardness: 5

HP: 1,260 hp (Khyber Dragonshard 180 hp, hardness: 10)

Base Save: +6


Maximum Speed: 120'; Acceleration: 30'

Weapons: Each side of the galleon can hold either 32 Large or 16 Huge ranged siege weapons. These siege weapons can only fire out of the sides of the elemental galleon that they on mounted on. Also, a single Large siege weapon can be mounted both fore and aft. Elemental galleons cannot have midship weapons due to the elemental ring.

CMB: +8 (+8 size); CMD: 18

Ramming Damage: 8d8


Propulsion: Magic (Elemental Bound)

Driving Check:

Controlling the Elemental: Intimidate (DC 20), Bluff vs. Sense Motive (+0) or Diplomacy (DC 25) to control the elemental

Steering: Profession (Sailor) or Knowledge (nature) at +10 to the DC

Forward Facing: Ship's forward

Driving Device: Elemental Helm

Driving Space: Nine squares on top deck, aft platform, around the Elemental Helm

Means of Propulsion: Elemental Bound Khyber dragonshard

Crew: 20 (1 pilot, 20 crew for maintenance)

Decks: 3

Cargo: 150 tons, 150 passengers


Elemental Galleons are relatively free of limitations, other than what is normal for a ship of its size. However, Elemental Galleons that have bound water elementals have reported difficultly maintaining control in areas of polluted water or areas that have a high blood content, such as after open warfare on the high seas.


Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Bind Elemental, Touch of the Sea

Cost: 29,500 and a Khyber dragonshard worth at least 5,000 gp


This salling ship has been fitted with a Khyber dragonshard with a bound air elemental below deck that is linked to a massive crystal ring located behind the ship and a series of fins along the sides. This allows the ship to move at 120' without the need of muscle or wind. Controlling the elemental requires contact with the helm, located above deck, and uses the normal rules concerning elemental vessels, although certain Lyrandar dragonmarked items makes this easier. In all other ways, it functions as a normal sailing ship.